For Investors
We provide company-directed outreach to investors with mandates that span industries, market capitalizations, and geographies.

Fostering mutually beneficial relationships
At Rose & Company, we facilitate meaningful introductions that align with your investment mandates, ensuring each engagement is mutually beneficial and yields significant value for both you and the companies involved.
In 2024 alone, our team has organized over 7,000 investor-company meetings, and conducts hundreds of non-deal roadshows every year.
Understanding our free corporate access services
We operate as an extension of the companies we represent, creating a trusted environment where you can offer candid, detailed feedback, with assurance that your insights remain confidential.
We are retained by companies across a wide range of industries, market capitalizations and geographies to engage with investors like you.
Fit focused
We facilitate virtual and in-person meetings between our public company clients and investors with suitable mandates and investment styles.
Not a broker-dealer
We do not seek or accept commission payments or any other forms of remuneration from institutional investors.
100+ Corporations Represented
We serve a broad range of companies across sectors, geographies, and market capitalizations. This enables broad investor connectivity and allows us to maintain continuous engagement with generalist investors who manage the largest pools of capital.
Across all industry sectors
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